bad graphics
bad graphics
Today, I saw that pou is free for iPhone! I am so happy.
bad graphics on iPhone 6..!
I see the Pou is for FREE :) Im sooo happy!
Finally free Pou :D
The game is cool but the graphics is really bad.
Good app but very very low quality ip5
Very bad graphic iPhone 6
On iPhone 5s pou has a very poor resolution with the game is it uncomfortable
Bad graphics for IPhone 5s !!! But im happy because POU IS NOW FREE ! Yea Thank You and Please correct the error .. :) Zuzia
Im happy to see Pou is to be downloaded for free! Yay!!!
Very bad graphics, please do sth with it (iP6)
The game is not at all good-looking or in any way polished, horribly implemented and purposeless. Continuous crashes happen if I do not allow the game to access something on my device (e.g. microphone). For such a simple game its odd to have such issues. Device: iPhone 6S.
Finalmente è gratis!!!!!!!!!
Bel gioco meno male che ora è gratis anche per me che ho liPhone 6s
Finalmente Pou gratis anche per IPhone
....Finalmente Gratis...per il resto app fantastica
I really like the game POU<3
Finalmente è gratis